

Engineering systems tests

The test of a new system installation is a due and necessary activity for all systems serving buildings, regardless of their intended use.

An engineering system is generally designed to offer safety and performance in compliance with regulatory requirements according to technical reference standards (CEI, UNI, etc.) and, above all, with the executive design of the plant. Therefore, following completion of the installation of a system, the check of the fulfilment of the design requirements is an activity of primary importance. This type of verification is commonly referred to as “testing” and formally certifies the correspondence of the system installed with the system design as elaborated by the specialized technician and contracted by construction companies. ICS srl, aware of the importance of functional testing of a system by an expert technician who is impartial and third party with respect to the designers and installers, offers a specialized service of functional testing of mechanical and electrical systems and the check of the set of documents accompanying the plant engineering work to ascertain its completeness and regulatory compliance.

Engineering systems certifications

Ministerial Decree 37/2008, (previously Law 46/90), regulates the implementation, maintenance, and design of engineering systems in buildings. The declaration of conformity of an engineering system is the document issued by the qualified company after installing or modifying the plant. If the declaration of conformity is not available, for existing engineering services (ante 2008) it can be replaced with a declaration of compliance signed by a technician, named DI. RI. (Dichiarazione di Rispondenza – Declaration of Compliance). ICS srl performs this activity having the requirements as a Di.Ri. must be produced by a qualified technician who has been practising for at least 5 years