

Energy systems

Energy consulting to search for energy-saving solutions

ICS, engaged in the research and application for energy saving solutions for more than ten years, offers its expertise to find the most suitable solution for the customer’s needs, accompanying the customer in the choice and implementation of the most efficient, environmentally friendly and economically advantageous actions. The main activity in this area is the energy analysis of a building or a portfolio of buildings in order to highlight critical issues and possible solutions for energy savings. The next step is the planning of interventions to solve the criticalities identified during the analysis. ICS also offers a technical support to competent Public Bodies for the preparation of tenders for the promotion and use of renewable energy, and to private customers for the design development for the installation of photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind and biomass systems and for the process of obtaining public incentives. ICS is an energy certifier registered in the regional registers of all Italian regions.

The service includes the identification of interventions to improve the energy efficiency of a building both during the design phase of a new building and during the renovation of an existing building.
The Energy Performance Certificate (APE), also known as ‘energy certificate’, is a document that certifies the performance and energy class of a building and indicates which enhancements can make it more energy efficient. ICS srl prepares and registers APEs throughout the country.