

Construction Site Health and Safety

In order to ensure safety on construction sites, the presence of certain strategic figures is necessary and mandatory by law, such as the CSP (Coordinatore della Sicurezza in fase di Progettazione – CSP), design construction site safety coordinator, and the CSE (Coordinatore della Sicurezza in fase di Esecuzione – CSE), safety coordinator during execution phase.

The safety coordinator on construction sites is the figure appointed by the client or the responsible for the works to ensure coordination between the various companies involved in the works, in order to reduce the risks related to interference of the works on the site. The purpose of his tasks is to eliminate or, at least, reduce the risks related to the activities carried out, as well as to protect the health of all workers involved. The consolidated experience in the field of construction site safety makes safety management one of the points of excellence of the services offered by ICS srl. In order to carry out this activity, ICS srl by means of its technicians has the requirements set forth in Article 98 of Legislative Decree 81/2008.

The Safety Coordinator at the design stage is a professional expected on construction sites where several companies are involved in the execution of works. The tasks entrusted to the Safety Coordinator at the design phase are listed in Article 91 of Legislative Decree 81/2008 (Italian Law):
  • drafting of the Safety and Coordination plan, a document through which safety is provided on temporary or mobile construction sites;
    – draftinf of the work file, containing useful information for the purposes of preventing and protecting against risks to which workers are exposed;
  • coordinating the application of the principles and general protective measures when architectural, technical and organisational choices are being decided and when forecasting the duration of the works.
The Safety Coordinator at the execution phase is a professional appointed by the client (or by the person in charge of the works) who ensures compliance with health and safety regulations during the execution of the worksite. His role consists of verifying the suitability of the safety documentation prepared by the companies, carrying out site inspections and coordinating the activities of contractors, subcontractors and self-employed workers in order to avoid dangerous interference. ICS srl, as a Coordinator, always has the goal of guaranteeing the client’s interestst, as well as complying with the legislation with respect to the supervisory bodies.