

Fullfilment of Italian law D. LGS 81/08

Safety in the workplace consulting

ICS Srl offers all round assistance and collaboration on all issues relating to Safety in the Workplace in accordance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree no. 81 of 9 April 2008, as amended and supplemented, and all relevant Italian Laws. ICS approach on the subject of Safety is to accompany companies and employers not only in the regulatory compliance, but in raising awareness and sharing a culture of safety within the company so that it can become a safe place to work but at the same time be competitive on the market. The services are aimed at companies, organisations, businesses, manufacturing companies, banking institutions, insurance companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, food and beverage companies and hotels. The service includes the drafting of mandatory documents and all the fulfilments required by Legislative Decree 81/08. Our consultancy also aims to plan the fulfilments necessary to protect the safety and health of workers, with the planning of education, information and training periodical review of documentation and safety procedures, in the light of the constant checks carried out at the customer’s premises.

The service involves the hiring of an external eligible Health and Safety Manager, as stated in Italian Law Article 32 of Legislative Decree 81/08-
ICS will prepare the company Risk Assessment Report, a compulsory document for all companies that have at least 1 employee or collaborator, in accordance with Italian Law Articles 17 and 28 of Legislative Decree 81/0. It results in a thorough analysis of the risks in the workplace and the description of measures to prevent them.
We perform specific risk assessments involving measurements and sampling such as:
  • Chemical and biological risk assessment
  • Noise exposure risk assessment
  • Vibration risk assessment
  • Environmental sampling
  • Work-related stress
  • Microclimate and lighting
  • Electromagnetic fields and artificial optical radiation
  • Radon
  • Asbestos
  • Legionella
  • Instrumental measurements
Drafting of the Single Document for interferential risks evaluation for the management of contracted activities (Italian Law Article 26 of Legislative Decree 81/08)
Drafting of procedures to be adopted in the event of an emergency, complete with emergency floor plans (Italian Law Article 15(1)(U) and Section IV of Legislative Decree 81/08).
For years now, ICS srl has organized and delivered education, information and training courses on the subject pursuant to Italian Law Articles 36 and 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08, as well as all training courses for employees and the different company roles.(For courses details see the Training site section).
Drafting of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points self-control manual, complete with self-control cards.